Abstract JS

Abstract.js is a comprehensive Typescript library designed to make integrating with an on-chain Abstract application as easy as possible. We based the SDK on viem, the most popular EVM Typescript library.


  • Modular & Lightweight 🏗️ : Built with ESM for tiny bundle sizes and tree-shaking optimizations
  • Code Generation 🛠️ : Auto-generate Typescript interfaces and classes for every Abstract module used by your app. functionalities required for on-chain operations.
  • React Support ⚛︎️: We have a huge library of hooks to make it easy to interact with Abstract Accounts, ICAAs, modules, and Abstract apps.
  • Wallet-Provider Agnosticism: We support Cosmos Kit, Graz, and XION’s Abstraxion.js. Creating a new wallet provider is also easy and automatically-compatible.



Please refer to the Official Abstract.js Documentation.

To install the main library:

npm i @abstract-money/core

For React-specific functionalities:

npm i @abstract-money/react